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Sunday, October 28, 2012

Conversation with truth

We can be the finest of individuals ourselves, but live in a world which resists phenotypes. Too bad when we don’t find enough sensitive people to look at the world’s problems, but too good if we also don’t find monster-like people in abundance. There are good people and there are bad people, there will always be a mix of both at the end of the day we can only get over our own weaknesses and decide for ourselves what we want to become. It might be foolish but not weak to be honest. It might be hard but not impossible to achieve our dreams. It may not be true man’s world, but truth exists in parts in each of us. In the layers of lies and deceits, we know where the truth resides. It is most important to find the truth and nothing else. Because at the end of everything nothing else matters, but truth in its purest form. It may or may not help to practice truth with everyone, but with self only truth matters. Truth might be ugly, devious and unfathomable. But that’s what we are. A bundle of irrational aspiratons constantly trying to be rational and we end up being confused and behaving what we don’t believe in and on top of that being understood by others in what never wanted to think about us. We are bad communicators despite our clear communication, because all of us are irrational. It is fine if we don’t make it. It’s fine if we fail. Because we don’t know what is right, but we definitely know what truth is. Truth is only thing we know.

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